I, for one, believe it is time for disclosure of extra terrestrial life. It is fairly obvious to anyone who looks that e.t. life has been interacting with humanity since the dawn of recorded history... and it wouldn't surprise me if they've interacted with previous civilizations here on Earth. The universe is such a large place... really... and if you ever stop to look at a picture of a galaxy... or multiple galaxies....it's hard not to ultimately accept that life probably exists on other "dots" in the multitude of "specs" that make up a galaxy. Let's be real here. Life is probably a naturally occuring force throughout the universe. And considering the diversity and volume of different planets, there is probably at least 1 like Earth somewhere in the universe. Don't you think? :)
Thinking that intelligent life is unique to Earth is like thinking that life doesn’t exist outside of your neighborhood… or perhaps outside of your street. It’s laughable. And the more conscious you become… the more laughable it seems. Our situation parallels that of the early pioneers who, after sailing across the sea, discovered intelligent life on the other side. They had NO idea that there was other life out there… just a hunch and a desire to explore the unknown. Now let’s also note that the life they found was MUCH more intelligent and spiritually developed. That is… those living in harmony with nature and the spirit world represent a more advanced group of beings. Pitty the pioneers had to kill them all… isn’t it? Sigh.
The same situation exists here and how. However, this time… the more spiritually advanced beings aren’t willing to play with us unless we learn how to play nicely among ourselves first. If you are in graduate school… you aren’t going to want to involve yourself in 3rd grade drama. It’s that plain and simple… really. However they have noticed that we’ve managed to get ourselves into some pretty big trouble… they see that we’ve found some matches and some fireworks among other mischief. They are here to help so long as we settle down and ask for their help. A good first step would be to acknowledge their existence, rid ourselves of our egos, and ask for their help... don’t you think?
You'll notice the disclosure process has already started via facebook, music, and television. The idea of e.t. life is slowly seeping into the mass consciousness through these mediums. The collective consciousness is finally at that saturation point which is willing to entertain and accept the notion of life outside of earth. Hooray!!!
The U.S. government, in particular, has been dragging it’s feet for over 50 years about the existence of extra terrestrial life and continue to do so. I think it's time to stop waiting for the government and start taking action for ourselves. We the people have enormous power, but are kept ignorant of that power. Now is the time to remember it.
For those of you who don't realize... our planet is on the brink of disaster. Japan... the third largest economy in the world, and a home to many of our brothers and sisters... is doomed. Radioactive waste is being dumped into the ocean. UNDERTSTAND… NUCLEAR RADIOACTIVE PARTICLES ARE BEING DUMPED INTO OCEAN. Nuclear radiation has already found it's way to the United States via California and is being reported at levels of 300 times EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) limit in cow milk. Keep in mind California also happens to be the main food supplier for the rest of the country.
This aside... the agricultural system is collapsing... we have depleted the soils so terribly through the industrialization of the food supply that we ourselves are becoming depleted of nutrition and are more and more prone to illness as our bodies become sicker and sicker.
Health care costs are bankrupting this nation.
The economy is collapsing due to our country’s incurable debt.
I could go on.... but this is not the point i wish to bring your attention to.
The point I wish to bring your attention to is that maybe we should stop pretending like we know how to fix things and ask for help. Maybe we can say, “Ok we give up… we know we screwed up beyond repair… could you please help us out with the radioactive waste leak so that we can go through the ascension process in a more peaceful way? Please.”
Just a thought…
(Written Saturday April 16, 2011)
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