Monday, July 16, 2012


I would like to note that this is not meant to confine you or your chosen manifesting (meditation) method into a box. Everybody has a different method and I would encourage you to find what works for you, what you like best. This manual is only meant to teach you how to use the energetic process within yourself.

I love you all. Get searching! And search more inside than out :)

A Manual for Starseeds and Other Enlightened Beings.

You are a satellite: both a conductor and receiver. When you learn how to meditate sitting upright you enable your thought-wave signaling and receiving hardware lying dormant inside your being to once again become active.

Your chakras (energy centers), while in vertical alignment, send energy shooting upwards toward the transmitting device inside your head called the pineal gland.

The intensity of the energy which the chakras are subject to corresponds to how much energy the body is using to interact with the physical (or 3D) reality. That is, the less outwardly focused you are, the less sensitive to the external you become, the more internally sensitive you become, the more internally focused you are. The more you are in alignment with the energy of trust and surrender to that which is in you, the more energy the chakra system will have at its disposal, and consequently the stronger your thought wave generation and reception will become.

Thus, the deepest meditations (states of inner surrender) yield the most impressive results (physical manifestations).
Meditating in a dark, silent, comfortable place will yield the best results. As your sight and hearing senses go offline, the energy used by your body to power these senses is freed for usage and is added to you total energetic potential.

The software of your body is the mental program ( or thought form energy structure ) you wish to manifest. The software is the program. The program is an energetic structure, a weaving of all of your thoughts as strings of light (remember light carries information). The program is your desired thought-form. Once assembled, it is ready to transmit out to the universe.

Your desire, your intent, your drive, your fire, your chi. Your energy. You will know the power of your energy by the power of your emotions. Stronger emotions generally indicate a stronger energetic potential. Emotions are merely one part, albeit an important part, of sources to draw energy from. They, however, are THE most important. Practicing energy techniques such as reiki, yoga, chi gong, tai chi as well as incorporating a diet primarily focused around LIVING (life energy filled) foods is supplicant to strengthening your maximum energy potential. Over time the energy producing (and life enhancing) habits, also known as good habits, yield tremendous power, and thus yield a tremendous manifest-or (or creator) ability. Cultivate good habits and they will take you places. By traveling a little bit each day, you will travel far.

In order to pulse thought waves you need to be able to focus on that which you want to manifest, and none other. You must be able to clear your mind and develop the ability to actively select which thoughts, or light strings, you wish to weave into the idea you are about to put forth into the universe.  Bring all awareness into your pineal gland. Focus as hard as you can and create a vacuum of strong intent waiting to suck in any ideas, or thought-forms, presented to it. Maintaining that energy and focus, blend in the energy of the idea or that which you wish to transmit. Say it to yourself over and over in your head with full intent and conviction. As you repeat the thought, feel the energy behind the words that you are saying. This is the core energy of the idea and will be pulsed. Words are a third density way of defining density-less energy. Find the energy you wish to promote and then pulse that energy. To pulse, simply alternate between transmitting and rest periods. Think hard, rest, think hard, rest, think hard, rest. Maybe you have one pulse ever 3 seconds. Great. The more complex the idea the slower you will be able to pulse it... at first. The idea is to pulse one thought-form until the energy of your body has used up; until you are mentally exhausted and can no longer concentrate. This concludes one complete transmission. You will learn to pair and combine multiple energy-focuses for more complex transmissions in time.

PART 5: APPLICATION: Combining Parts 1-4
So you've cleared and developed your energy channels with yoga and tai chi, consume a natural diet high in living foods, and are emotionally in touch with yourself. You are ready. Enact your hardware. Begin meditating upright. As your sensitivity to the external decreases and turns inward, focus on the energy accumulating in the internal. The more you surrender to this process the more energy will push upward within you. If you are able to achieve the delta state of brainwave activity (the slowest processing speed our brain interprets this third dimensional reality) you will have successfully freed the maximum amount of energy to be used in the manifestation process. Lift your chin, look straight ahead, and feel the energy collect at the pineal gland, the point of receiving/transmitting. Focus on the thought-form you wish to transmit and pulse the energy of that thought-form.  Use your breath to pace your pulsations. Rest your mind while inhaling and then focus forcefully while exhaling. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

With each pulse, you will be sending out a wave  of thought-form energy, these waves ripple out and expand in the same manner a drop of water causes a rippling effect in a puddle. This type of energy signature is called a frequency, and the frequency which you send out is how you, as a creator being, communicate your wishes with the universe. 

Note: In times of intense emotion, your creative power dramatically intensifies in relationship to the intensity of the emotional state . Learn to use intense emotional periods as time for creating that which you desire instead of focusing on that which has harmed you or put you in that state of intense emotion.

Example. For you ladies. Your asshole boyfriend dumps you. You are shaking and crying and you feel an enormous amount of pent up energy inside you (a large uncomfortableness). Instead of focusing on the problems of the relationship and how much of an asshole he is... use your emotional charge as energy to transmit a positive thought-form. For instance, how awesome your next boyfriend will be.

You are always giving off a frequency, and this is how you are interacting and calling upon cosmic energies constantly, every second of your life. However, there is a dial... and you control it. Learn to use the different aspects (hardware, software, energy, thought) of your being to modulate your frequency and thus modulate your reality. The ability to control and use your emotions to create is to access the God/Godess that you are.

The universe is a vibratory fabric, or dimension,  composed of our collective thought-forms. Literally, as if we were co-writing a song, "our verse," or "the verse"  or "the one verse." We are each co-creators with one another and are all equally responsible for the reality which we have created. It is a physical (third density) reflection of the collective frequency we are transmitting. If we wish to shift reality to a more positive outcome, we need to shift our individual frequencies toward that outcome which we desire. As a result, our collective frequency will shift.  By joining and focusing on our desired reality; by narrowing the band of frequencies (a collection of everyone's' desires) to one point within the band (one shared common desire), the intensity of the collective energy output is dramatically increased, as it is refined to a point (like welding a sword) and is able to puncture multiple layers of time-space (multiple dimensions), thus seeding the collective idea deeper into the cosmic consciousness. The deeper an idea is planted into cosmic consciousness, the more it will be realized. Group meditations should be called group manifestations and are an example of beings using said cosmic technology to promote or advance a collective "energy" or "set of ideas." Seemingly passive meditation is actually active manifestation. This is extraordinarily powerful tool operating at the deepest levels of consciousness.

I would like to close and ask that those who use this ability, which we all possess, use it only for creating positive outcomes. The universal law of vibrational energy (L.O.V.E.) allows for free will, and thus for manifesting both negative and positive and anything and everything in between. Let us create a garden of Eden, a utopia. I love you all.

(Written Wed/Feb 9,2012)

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