Monday, July 16, 2012


So what is success?

Happiness. Put quite simply.

But read on with me to discover some neat ideas. Let's take a knowledge journey together. Here's how I feel based on what I've learned. Please feel free to share what you've learned with me too! One love ;)

We seem to be conditioned to believe that success is measured by having neat things. Following this notion, happiness always becomes a "thing" based on the acquisition of an external possession. How can we truly find happiness if we are continually placing our happiness on something outside of our self when happiness is something experienced inside of ourself? By submitting to a materialsitic pursuit of happiness we are only pushing the conception of happiness farther away from ourselves; we are pushing happiness out side when we want it inside.

Look at what happens when we allow ourselves to fall into the former bracket, and we all do (myself included absolutely). Basically we just end up accumulating a bunch of crap that ends up in a dumpster or landfill off somewhere on Mother Earth... each a peice representing the failed pursuit of happiness. Don't fall in the crap trap. It's destroying our planet :)  Oh yeah! Remember that thing called Mother Earth? We all have to remind ourselves time to time that our health and happiness is subject to the health and happiness of our host environment, Earth. The travesty of Mother Earth, seen through it's over-exploitation of resources, will be a beautifully sad novel in the cosmic library of knowledge should we and future society not emphasize Her health and well being. We all know this.

To make peace with ourselves is the greatest of divine gifts for we learn to find happiness from within. To experience that grace we each strive for tirelessly in our own ways every day just to experience... those fleeting moments of the source/divine/God energy that flows blissfully through our bodies and energy fields are true gifts of knowledge and empowerment for the spirit. Here lies our true treasure. The treasure of falling in love with the world and everything in it.

To seek these feelings of wholeness and connectedness from an object outside of the self is setting us up for failure. I know I feel the empty feeling lurking comfortably just under the surface whenever I look outside myself in the form of physical possessions for wholeness. Why didn't I realize this sooner? We "live and learn," or so they say. Only now do I see that once I find love and wholeness within the self I am free to find love in the form of a partner. Until I learned to love myself completely and to accept the totality of my experience truly, I could never experience a true love connection.

To succeed is to love yourself and love others as your self and to seek the connect rather than the disconnect. Success lies within our ability to make our within become without - or - throughout; that is, to incorporate who we are inside (the most genuine of genuine selves) into our daily interactions with complete absence of any facade. I truly believe this involves deprogramming ourselves from the narrow bandwidth of expression to which we are all ensnared. This can be accomplished by expansion of the ego (or consciousness) toward realization of oneness or through journeying within to discover the divine spark inside (or by doing both at the same time). The idea of oneness, of connectivity, will find the curious no matter which path he or she may travel. To be one is to be all. To be all is to be at peace.


(Written  Friday, July 22, 2011)

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