Monday, July 16, 2012


Dystopian reality, scatter me, childrens' dreams ripped up for wealthy flattery, can't take this bullshit matter...see, looking for comradery, among strong souls outside the machine factory, among strong souls who'll fight back with me, among strong souls to tackle injustice happily, where is the great light in this maddening reality, trust is scattering, nobody mindful is mattering.

Wall street continues fattening, while our brothers and sisters are starving and suffering vehemently, plain to see, by the unconsciously kept society, prideful false nobility, the mark of the beast has nothing to do with numerology, the mark of the beast is lack of self knowledge G. Wake up and see this dystopian reality, which ensnares you and me, through greed, lust, and the perturbation of spirit happily.

Unconscious humanity, the destructive calamity, the great plague upon this earth is here to see, heresy is necessary, for future changes to benefit our shared agency, let's cooperate and live in harmony, don't forget you're part of me, we can sort things out if we want to...see?

(Written Thursday, April 28, 2011)

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