Monday, July 16, 2012

Republicans/Democrats and the Tea Party/Occupy Wallstreeet

The financial establishment owns both parties. Understand that the republican/democrat paradigm is an illusion - two sides of the same coin owned by the financial powers that be. John McCain and Obama were both funded by the same power, just as Romney and Obama are also paid for by the same power (i.e. Goldman Sachs being one of the main contributors to both candidates). The Bush administration is literally the Obama administration - same people surrounding the different puppet (Bush/Obama). It's not such a surprising seeing when you realize how many more illegitimate wars are being fought and how our privacy and freedom is being eroded. This financial establishment also owns, indirectly, the main stream media (television, newspapers, radio stations, and magazines) and they only promote the candidates whom they have funded as well as the information they want you to know. This is why they are trying to take over the internet (CISPA). If you can control and influence the minds (literally programming our minds through repetition) then you can control the population. Beyond all of the attempts to divide the population through politics, religion, race, class, etc... there is really just the financial power (global private central banking cartel) controlling and corrupting nearly every human institution (education, health care, agriculture, military, etc...). The Tea Party was originally formed by "awake" patriotic citizens to counter this power (with quite good intentions) but was "hijacked" and smeared in attempts to bring about its ruination by the financial power (mainly through the GOP's misdirecting influence) - just as Occupy Wallstreet has attempted to be "hijacked" and misdirected by the Democratic wing of the financial powers. You can see how many smear attempts have been made toward Occupy Wallstreet. The reality is that both OWS and TP are united by a common cause - liberation against the global financial rulers (private central banks/"matrix" masters) and specifically against the central banking agency within the US - the Federal Reserve. The heart of any resistance movement is in the right place and if anyone really wants to learn who to point fingers at... I suggest looking at the central banks for the vast majority of the world's problems can be traced back to the influence and careless profiteering of this private international agency controlling the world: "He who has the gold makes the rules." You are all smart people, but I think you should look bigger, look toward the source of the imbalance, pull the weed out by it's roots. Much love to everyone.

Some interesting stuff:

Open Letter from former TP member to OWS

Purchasing Power (Value) Stolen from the Dollar by the Fed.Res. since it's inception in 1913.

Ten Things that Would be Different if the Federal Reserve Never Existed

(Written  Saturday, May 19, 2012)

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