Monday, July 16, 2012

Thoughts on Saving the World

When we go looking for the evils of this world, our problems, and their solutions, I wish to impart the following:

The problems with our social system (i.e. capitalism or any other -ism) are SECONDARY to the problems in our monetary system because they, the problems we are all experiencing with our current social system, are RESULTANT of the problems in the monetary system. For example let's pretend we are doctors who are seeing humanity at large as one dis-eased organism. A good doctor not only treats the symptoms (puts out the fires) but seeks to treat the root of the dis-ease or imbalance (the fire-starter) to restore health to the organism. This is the mentality of a skilled doctor - looking for roots of problems - sources of dis-ease. Until the root of the imbalance is addressed the organism cannot expect to return to a healthy state because conflagrations would persist. To use the example of a musician who while engaged in the creation process of his or her art tries to create a beautiful melody or harmony of notes. However, the harmony vibrations cannot be achieved if his or her guitar is out of tune. So, the guitar must first be tuned before that magical harmony is reached and no matter how hard or long the musician plays/practices the right sound won't be found until the guitar is back in tune. Within our current society one of our strings is out of tune: that string is our monetary policy/system. It needs to be adjusted so that we can play our guitar successfully – create a harmonic society. This is why addressing the fundamental imbalance within our monetary system, pertaining to the creation of the very money that powers our living system, is key. It is the source of all our problems much like a parasite in the intestines may be the source of our lethargy, fevers, diarrhea, and stomach aches. Yet, to merely treat each symptom individually is a failure to recognize and address the root and underlying cause: the parasite.

When we see the power and lethality, lobbying power in a sense, attained by huge corporations having more money and power than entire countries, or multiple countries even, we seek to point toward them as the source of all injustice. Or perhaps it is the corrupt politicians who take the bribes and corporate vacations: the perks and pluses of dealing with the uber rich? Why do we not look to the source, the programmer, the prime corruptive force itself, but rather isolate the symptoms of the faulty program and place blame upon each of these symptoms accordingly? Perhaps it is because we don’t understand or recognize the source? Perhaps we don’t understand how power really works in the world as we know it? Perhaps we have been hypnotized in a sort of coma and we’ve lost track of the happenings, in terms of control, of our society? It’s very good that we are waking up.

Corporations are efficient processes to accumulate capital and are governed by the rules of the "the system" in which they exist. They are like continually adjusting profit-maximizing algorithms whose purpose is to continually, ever increasingly attain the greatest amount of money possible in the least amount of time (time value of money) through their operations. This is their design. This is how they are coded. In other words… they are like computer programs which only follow their programmer's code. You cannot blame the program for functioning in disastrous ways (socially, environmentally) if the program was written only with concern for profit maximization, return to shareholders, and infinitely increasing growth rates: cancer by design (but oh what a pleasurable and materially comfortable sickness). The programmers (the private central bankers and in the US, the Federal Reserve) create, issue, and supply our money and legislate the policies around its deployment and circulation: the fundamental unit of exchange in modern society. When you learn this fundamental unit has inherent corruption or "malfunction" then it becomes obvious where the root of our society's problems lurk: the private central banking cartel who issue us these corrupted units of exchange. If we really seek change, we have to penetrate to a deeper level than merely just greedy corporations and or politicians. We have to look at who is writing their programs and what is responsible for these symptoms, i.e. where does the money come from which corrupts our politicians? We must pull the weed out by the root if we seek a healthy garden. We must look at who created our matrix and why this imbalance is being perpetuated. I wonder if it's continuance is profitable for anyone? The private international central bankers, who only bring us mounting global debt and leech the value (purchasing power) from our currencies (by printing more and more money thus lowering the value of existing money) like a vampire sucking blood from its victims, only bring us continued sorrows and less and less purchasing power – ability to interact within “the Matrix.”

While capitalism was a great system that allowed for many freedoms and comforts which people have never experienced under former more openly suppressive systems, it is also easy to recognize that capitalism is severely flawed (it's destroying our planet). It's basically a cancerous societal operating system. I.e. the basis for economics is infinite growth within a finite planet. We need to learn how to live in harmony with this planet and nature and that is going to involve a different societal order than this money-game of monopoly that we’ve all been playing so long. Some of us have lived entire lives playing this game, not realizing it was just a game thought up by some motivated minds on how to use the once abundant American resources to create a society and a way for these same motivated people to be well-rewarded by their motivation. However this “system” is no longer applicable to the environment that humanity faces and it’s continuance will only perpetuate the many symptoms of disease we are experiencing in terms of economic instability, GMO takeover and ruination of the agricultural system, growing police state to protect the money criminals stealing value from the world and money-ing it as their own, etc…

All of these Draconian control mechanisms are merely in the name of protecting profit interests. The ability of large corporations to attain greatest profitability levels leads to detriment of employee job-life quality, detriment of environment (and thus health) often, and degradation to human life in other ways not hard to think of. This agenda set forth by the private international banking network (uber rich) is able to pressure/bully society by placing the nations in financial subservience. Once the money is controlled the upward wealth-funneling system is set up and the finances siphoned out from the public economy are used to fund the private interest of the now-attached self-serving parasite. Once the parasite has attached its venom is released (ability to corrupt via vast sums of money) and poison seeps into the minds of the sentinel-type figures (white blood cells) society sets up to protect it – and in effect completely renders useless the original functioning of the white blood cells turning them into a part of the cancer of the parasite. They then take over the media and educational systems (National Education Association owned by Rockerfeller - Darwinian science funded by The Rockerfeller Foundation through their Astroturf organization The Royal Geographic Society) so that the newly created blood cells follow the ideology the parasite wants them to have instead of the natural ideology of the organism (Earth) they were created to serve. And once the minds of the future are controlled, the future and direction of the entire human organism has effectively co-opted and directed by the parasite which has taken over. This agenda ultimately results in death of the human organism and the parasite will go looking for another animal/organism to attach to and feed off of next: this is the nature of harmful parasites. However, this agenda can be stopped.

Our first step toward a better future is to take care of the global economy's parasites (private central banking cartel) because it's difficult to progress and have the physical strength to move forward when an entity is siphoning out nourishment from your body. These same groups of powerful people are suppressing energy generation technologies (they are heavily invested in oil: the blood of our “Matrix” system) which could completely transcend our societal operating system’s energy platform. If we were truly operating under a "free market," we would have had free energy (advanced harvesting technology) ages ago. Thus capitalism would have outdated itself and a new social system would be created around these revolutionary technologies. Free energy" effectively wipes out the need for the US petrodollar and thus would "bust the matrix." Ideas like “free-energy” ,which I think of as advanced energy collection, are actively suppressed because the release of these technologies threatens to uproot a multi-trillion dollar industry: oil: and the enormous monetary returns the investors are reaping from its continued usage. We can't have all our investments fail now can we? Who cares if the world is becoming continually uninhabitable?

 When the central banks are privately owned and, in essence, LEND (a loan means the original amount PLUS interest must be paid back) money to the world's governments for their use you realize that what is really happening is enslavement, through creation of debt, of the people of the world to the private interests of the central banks who create, issue, and control the money and the money system we use. Currently, every dollar created is a dollar PLUS interest of debt created (1+interest rate) and owed back to the Federal Reserve. This fundamental imbalance allows for the ability to corrupt every human organization and institution (here in America and around the world) through bribes of vast wealth from a private international collection bent on global domination and their private governance. It is the empire mentality which promised Lordship, mansions, and money to corruptible land-owners to enlist their communities into the taxation scheme of the Empire’s governing power. We have a last chance to remove the harmful influence of this power by informing ourselves, each ocher, and taking actions to combat the ability for the parasite receive nourishment – to end the Federal Reserve’s monopoly over our money supply. If we do not strike the heart of the Hydra its razor toothed heads will keep growing back and the struggle will never end. However, after we have addressed this primary problem in our monetary policy (of which’s imbalance ripples out into society and corrupts other institutions) we can put out the fires and re-gear our operating system (the fires will keep spreading until the fire-starter is addressed). This link shows the global repercussions of the fundamental problem of a privately interested debt based monetary system. World Debt Clock:

The private central bankers have hijacked the creation power of our money supply, from the US Treasury Department, through assassination and bribery and have since corrupted the Treasury Department by installing the international private banker vested figurehead – a former Goldman Sachs leader – into control ( The parasite has attached itself to America by taking over our money supply – something the founding fathers fought and lost many lives to protect against. The US was founded by rebels (founding fathers) to this financially enslaving system – “The Matrix" – where it was already rooted in Great Britain, yet the system re-installed itself over here vis-à-vis the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 establishing a Rothschild private central bank in the US. Since 1913 the value of the US dollar (currently the global reserve currency - primary currency of exchange) has been eroded by 96% which affects all people of the world by affecting our ability to afford the resources and liberties we need to live full happy lives. It lessens our ability to interact within this “Matrix” where money is needed to do everything even to acquire the basic resources needed for life.

The vampires are sucking our blood slowly hoping that we do not notice. We are paid in dollars –  the value of our dollars is being eroded through the continuous printing of more money (TARP, bailouts, quantitative easing, etc...) – thus the value of our labors is being eroded forcing us to work harder for a continual falling quality of life. It’s quite a clever theft which represents a slippery slope of no exception: some people have luxury (padding) to temporarily protect them from the harshness of this reality and the slipperiness of the slope, but none can avoid its affect permanently which is to say, that regardless of income levels we are all aboard the titanic together right now and we must work together regardless of labels which might seek to segregate us and take back control of the ship in order to steer it away from the iceberg.

It seems like we are a bunch of proverbial Davids trying to stop these Goliaths (mega-corporations) who are thrashing about and wrecking havoc on our world and people through their activities, yet no matter how we try to stop them they seem to be increasing their magnitude of destruction. The secret, however, is that there is a dark wizard (Federal Reserve) behind the Goliaths, empowering and controlling them: the Goliaths are merely under the wizard's spell. Not everybody understands the reality of the wizard, its dark intentions, and the nature of the spell it creates to accomplish its means.  Let's go after the wizard: the source of their power: the programmer. The central banking cartel gives advantage to mega-corporations through access to cheap capital (money) ultimately concentrating and centralizing wealth and power through them and then uses these mega-corporations as feeding tubes to suck out the enormous amounts of wealth/blood/value contained in the natural economies of the honest hardworking people – mom-and-pop type economies.

Not many presidents or political figures speak out about this topic, it's become rather taboo. Will a US president have the nerve to go after the Federal Reserve? This is a valid question since historic presidents who have undermined the authority of the Federal Reserve have been assassinated - i.e. James A Garfield only lasted 100 days. As another notorious example, look toward JFK and his famous speech ( JFK was assassinated not long after he signed Executive Order 1110 which circumvented the authority of the Federal Reserve by allowing America to coin its own debt-free money to be used as legal tender. The Federal Reserve System is an economic prison from which we need to free ourselves through the example of Iceland (who didn’t bail out the banks when their economy was in trouble and instead arrested the bankers responsible and are now using their own debt-free money outside of a private central banking influence and enjoying a recovery). The truth is we do NOT need the private central banks, AT ALL (their fraudulent vast imposed debts upon the people would collapse with them). Humanity has existed without them for the majority of time we've been here and we would do fine printing and banking our own money. A parasite works by tricking the organism into thinking that it needs the parasite.

Now let's head in another direction...It is important to note that nearly every television station (main stream media) is owned and operated by a handful of large network companies who are in turn bracketed into one larger networks, through holding companies and mutual funds, whose investors/shareholders are tied directly to the private central banks' influence ( Merely illuminating the fact that television is a device which operates under the influence and to the specifications of these shareholders/investors who ultimately represent the private big money banking interests. To use an analogy you could imagine an upside-down tree whose branching extensions can all be connected to its trunk.

Television, a tool, is used to program the population through our thoughts and instills a fabricated sense of reality (synthesized norms) into our minds which results in the conditioning of human behavior into a profitable mechanism for the highers-up-the-pyramid. They are happy teaching us that we are apelike, diseased, consuming slaves (a very profitable mix) and it surely brings them delight to know that we are happy to accept such thoughts, continually, so long as we have TV programs to distract us from what is truly important: the back-handed scheming penetrating all levels of society where cash remains king cold hard corrupter. And so, we are kept distracted and entertained (laughing even) as our sense of reality is distorted and blurred into the coma of the consumer matrix. But hey! We're having fun right? Who cares if large amounts of wealth are being extracted from us? Who cares if biodiversity (the measure of health of an environment) is being threatened? Who cares if plant and animal species are going extinct like sand falling between our fingers? Who cares if the new generations futures are being stolen from them?

Through the main stream television networks, the power establishment's imposed fabricated mentality saturates our minds, through continual exposure to this medium, and soon becomes out own mentality. We don't even have to be consciously listening in order for the frequencies and sounds to penetrate into our subconscious. You would be amazed at the clarity of mind experienced by those who live television-free. Ever watch a little kid sit in awe in front of a television? The awe! The surrender! You can't tell me that doesn't affect the psychology of a human being, especially during our eager learning stages. Other forms of repetitive indoctrination are also present throughout our developmental stages as well. Can you think of any? This literal programming is the way the established power structure continues the cycling of accepted norms (whether healthy or not) throughout the generations of society – keeping us locked into a certain low-vibrational “mode,” or at least this is a major consequence of the system’s operations – to install a self-perpetuating system (norms) which lead the free-minded individual into a limiting materially-oriented consuming mentality.

The frequencies emitted by television directly affect our brains. They are specific frequencies which alter our brain waves ever so slightly, and nearly imperceptibly, blocking the rational voice of intuition within us (our mind's defense)  so that we accept the thoughts and realities which seek to be instilled in our minds (television is considered a medium for a reason). It doesn't matter what you watch, the frequencies are still being emitted. Even seemingly harmless shows reinforce exposure to this medium by creating a pleasure response within us (Pavlov's dogs anyone?) and the reinforcing of television watching behavior is profitable (otherwise it wouldn't exist).

To illustrate, the owner of an arcade chooses the most popular and enjoyable machines to draw in customers and, in a sense, controls which machines the customers have access to: customers can only play the machines offered at the location. In this manner, it could be said that the arcade owner controls/limits the gaming/arcade experience of the customers (or audience). Similarly, our human experience is being controlled/limited by our “arcade owners” (media moguls) where an arcade game is a television program. So if one were to control the general theme of the television experience the offered programs would be under the discretion of the “owner.” Thus the general arcade feel, or atmosphere, is constructed and maintained by the selection of the arcade-owner and is an atmosphere to which we acclimate after a while inside the arcade. However, this new atmosphere may represent an atmosphere which does not truly reflect that of our natural reality and might serve to distract us.

Now imagine that you've been exposed to the arcade so often that it's atmosphere becomes your new sense of reality. Imagine you've spent your whole life playing in the arcade, distracted. Then someone tells you that it's just an arcade, that your money is being taken by the owners, and that there are big problems going on outside the store which directly affect the livelihood, safety, health, and well-being of all of humanity. Do you continue to do as you have always done before? Do we walk out of the arcade and look at the chaos? Or do we resign to comfort inside the arcade willingly allowing our own suffering? Do we remain on the couch in front of the television while levels of global suffering are increasing and leave the world's problems to others? Or do we decide to work together to tackle them?

The "system masters" seek to convince us that the merry-go-round, on which we are already embarked, will continue forever and they seek to keep us ignorant of the global destruction that it is causing much in the same way the arcade owner, quite innocently, wishes his or her customers to forget about their daily concerns and wishes them to instead concern themselves with enjoying the arcade experience. After all, it makes the arcade owners lots of money, right? Though, wouldn't we be better off tuning out our distractions to address our pressing matters? They sure keep on piling.

A solution for humanity is to create a mechanism, a system, which serves all of our well-being and the well-being of our planet instead of a system which forces our servitude at our expense and the expense of our own planet and all life contained within it. I believe this system is called a "resource based economy" ( A resource based economy can unite capitalists (enjoying personal liberties), socialists (desiring a society concerned about people more than pieces of paper), communists (recognizing the benefits of working toward the betterment of the whole), anarchists (disliking corrupt hierarchical control structures), environmentalists (seeking a society in balance with nature), the poor, the rich, and people of all nationalities, races, religions, and creeds. It truly represents a complete redesign of society and a radical change in direction for humanity. However, there are steps which need to be taken now in order to reach this more idyllic state.

The creation of such a beneficial system cannot be achieved until the imbalance in the way humanity operates is addressed and corrected: until we find the weed’s root and pull it out. Again, the source of the global society's imbalance lies in the system which assigns a monetary value (ignorant of it's true earthly value as a necessary part of the whole) to the earth’s resources - to life on earth - to people - to our own future - and converts them into pieces of paper, a digit, and bases our society around accumulation of those digits. All worldly problems are related to this fundamental imbalance: the monetary system itself is a flawed construction. It remains a rather undisclosed and seldom-talked about system which has influence over all human activity and all human systems be they socialism, communism, capitalism, or any other - ism. Any monetary based social system is doomed to the same fate of corruption and degradation so long as pieces of paper are valued over global well-being. However, a monetary system must be continued in the short-run in order to maintain some degree of stability as we move forward: we cannot have radical change overnight… but we should be incorporating as much change and progress into each step of the path toward a better living for all. We need to let systems adjust on their own time, naturally.

As I have mentioned, our first step forward involves disassembly of the debt based monetary system. Life existing within this system is life existing within the (bankers) "Matrix." As long as the primary monetary exchange remains (during the creation of the money itself) 1 unit of issued currency =  [1+ interest rate] unit owed back for it's creation, we will be enslaved to the will of those who have the creational power of money - the system masters - for they are essentially indebting entire nations to their private interests. Good changes within our monetary policy will ripple out into all areas of life because suddenly our governmental programs will have funds to actually do things. It doesn't matter how many panels we create to tackle issues if they don't have the funds to do so. This is why we must turn our thoughts and minds toward the Federal Reserve (and it's connected private banking cartel). If we are to address and remove the source of the imbalance within society - the parasite of the private central banks - suddenly all those big red debt numbers will begin to shrink as blood flows more vigorously through our veins. Purchasing power and value will return to our currencies allowing everyone more purchasing power - or access to the resources we need for life. The mass effect will be an improvement in humanity’s quality of life.

The internet is the last place where freedom reigns in the information world which is why SOPA/PIPA/CISPA and attached cyber-legislative attempted take-over of the internet poses a severe threat to open information exchange and to the spreading of this message. When it comes to open information exchange, the lack of the tyrannical financial establishment's suppressive-ability to deny the exposure of their devastating game (through the guise of their corrupted legislators) explains their desire in seeking to gain control over the net.

I.e. the ambient energy of our solar system is increasing (solar systemic warming) seen through the increased energy (heating up) of our sun. Solar flares affect our pineal/pituitary gland complex (a photo receptive gland also called the master regulatory gland of the body) which in turn affects our conscious state ( The true victory lies in this conscious awakening of humanity and not in any one individual, but a group effort toward embracing the growing global energy of upheaval of the old – a shedding.

And while there are certain occurrences working toward the benefit and upliftment of humanity there are clearly many which pose enormous threats to humanity’s continuance (I.e. Fukushima’s radiation spreading and destabilizing the ocean’s ecosystems, the attempted formation of a militant global empire, impending global financial collapse, etc…). However these potentialities should not be allowed to paralyze us in fear but rather should encourage and fuel our activism. Part of the process of change involves action to bring down the financial empire which has hijacked our national economic interests in order for our nation to begin functioning in its own best interest. From there we can address the problems we face nationally without having to subside our human interests to the private profiteering interests of an international central banking corporation. In other words, we need to free ourselves from the parasite in order to keep going, especially if we want to steer this Titanic away from the iceberg in time, and before we are able to address the bigger problems like Fukushima. This is why escaping the “banker’s matrix” is so important (

In fact all countries would benefit from freeing themselves, by ending the use of the privately-interested issued currency (Why JFK was assassinated), from the financial trap of the international banking syndicate’s private interest. It is this level of power (attained through controlling national finances i.e. Federal Reserve System) which corrupts the subsequent layer of power: the political domain, and also it is this system which empowers (through making available cheap capital) certain mega-corporations (fledglings) whose lobbying power has corrupted government regulatory agencies. It is this source of (siphoned) power which funds the escalation of draconian controls we see being placed upon humanity.

Ironically we are funding our own abuse vis-a-vis partaking in the established (private) banking system (Federal Reserve System). Anyone who understands the necessity of detaching this parasite from the heart-valve of our nation in the name of continuance understands that financial support needs to be removed from the money/control system to depower the operability of the financial empire. By contributing our money/tokens into this “machine” are we not deciding to play the game?

 It is essential for the removal of the finances which feed the monster to occur if we desire its demise. Non-participation is the key to this step: removal of money from the international corporate banking institutions (larger and more powerful than countries) operating by private-interests and using people and resources as tools to acquire more wealth with disregard to their well-being. Commercial banks that are commonly used in our day to day life are one arm of the banking institution and are connected to their investment house counterparts where the money given to the commercial banks by the people is used for high risk gambling activity (a result of financial deregulation) by the investment banks (Goldman Sachs leveraged 300:1: 300 times the investments on the market as capital actually held) which causes enormous national and global economical problems. When one considers that if the gambles go awry the mega-corp banks’ mistakes end up being paid for by the taxpayers via bailout money excused as “too big to fail,” one draws the conclusion that the established financial system is corrupted, detrimental to humanity, and needs to be removed. Quite literally our financial system is becoming one of human cannibalism – devouring the emerging poor to continue the status quo.  It also keeps all participants competing for pieces of paper in a false paradigm of scarcity. Every being can and will have and know true abundance as a being should we decide to shine some light in the depths of our current clogged-up operating system. Just like the body operates most efficiently and harmoniously when all bodily systems are in unison with a natural rhythm so too will our societal systems function better when aligned with the nourishing pulse of Mother Earth. In order to do this we need to eventually drop our system of economics/money and exchange it for one focused on the Earth and it’s well-being (for the well-being of our environment is our well-being).

 If we wish for a beautiful future for all of humanity (including our severely ignorant oppressors) a logical action to take is that of financial resistance to this arcade-token money-matrix which makes existence caged and weighted rather than free and prosperous.  It is truly our financial system which devours the surpluses generated by our activities. The situation is identical to the movie, “Bug’s Life,” where the ants are kept working hard to generate a surplus to be taken by the grasshoppers (who were acting as a parasitic entity). It’s slavery, quite literally. Entire nations are held captives by exclusive groups of international financiers – this is how powerful they have become (they make the money we use and we pay them for using it even!!!!) If you want to see how their physical institutional structure operates look toward the world banks and central banks – for these places centralize into the hands of a few enormous multinational economic power.

It is the actions and extreme wealth (influencing power) of these institutions which are responsible for our corruption in politics, corruption in government, corruption in the judicial system, the growing police state, bank bailouts/murder through inflation, the spread of GMO foods, takeover of the internet, weaponized drones patrolling our skies, and nearly all other stabs at our quality of life – globally. If we wish to bring an end to this play’s continually falling curtain of detriment we must stop paying the man lowering it. Understand that we are literally giving these institutions the ability to continue their agenda by giving our money to use their institutions. And because enormous power/wealth is concentrated into the central banks as it rises up the pyramid, it makes sense to take actions directly against this power. Remember they are a private institution who has no problem murdering the poor by denying them access to basic necessities to life when they run out of tokens. And because they continually print more tokens (lowering the value of existing tokens and raising prices for life-essentials) they make the competition more and more fierce between us and make it harder to survive in our matrix (rates of pay don’t increase as prices become more expensive).

The people of the world must stop this force if we wish for a peaceful, abundant, and joyful world for our children and the future generations because the continuation of this financial empire is the very polar opposite of our very happiness and the abundance and harmony humanity can achieve through cooperation and intelligent management as a global community.  In order to stop this monster – which runs on money – we must stop giving it money to store and “safe-guard” from “thieves”. It is rather these institutions who are the thieves using your money to unconsciously gamble with in their global casinos of filth at the expense of the livelihood of our very children – and they lure us in with a material guise of professionalism only corruption could afford.  Let’s withdraw our money from this den of thieves and watch as our lives improve! Iceland is already leading by example!  As I mentioned earlier, a parasite tricks its host into thinking the host needs the parasite to survive. The same is true of the way our Federal Reserve System has convinced Americans it is essential for survival. It is quite literally the force which inhibits us all from THRIVING – you included!

 Oh and please take a look at the pictures.

Shows that Bush, Obama, and Romney's campaigns were/are all funded by global private bankers' money.

(Written Wednesday, January 25, 2012)

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