Monday, July 16, 2012


I've been recently thinking about the resistance to the New Age that some feel and i don't find it warranted. I do realize many subjects contained within the wide reaching philosophy represent that which is new, and thus, scary...(only because we don't know about it).  But don't we want something new? Look around to what is happening on this planet; look at the unneccesary destruction, the corruption, the suffering. These are all symptoms of a larger underlying problem which is that the program is flawed. That is.... our system of laws and commerce is flawed and no longer reflects the needs of future humanity.

Instead of competing against each other.... why can't we work together? Why can't we have clean environments? Why must there be deforestation and biodivesity loss... and why do we call this progress? Why can't we create a new program... why do we continue the broken system? In computer programs.... programmers seach out the bugs and fix them. They are constantly trying to get the program to reach maximum efficiency. This is supposed to be the basis for economics, efficiency. And as technologies progress we should become more and more efficient, right? Shouldn't we have to work less and less and shouldn't life be getting easier and easier if that was the case? Well the truth is our system of energy exchange we call economics is actually a quite inefficient (and purposely so) system which not only threatens the environment in which we live, but creates war.... suffering... disparity....isolation.... distraction.... destruction. Are we really progressing as human beings when we create wars in the name of profit?

Can't we accomplish more working together? Can't we feed, shelter, and clothe everyone freely? Do we even need money? Or the resources money gains us access to? Are you tired of slaving away 8 hours a day doing the same thing every day? Is that even natural!? Is that torture? Why we must suffer? Why aren't things getting better? Can't we have something new? Wouldn't we be happier in a system wich promoted such ideals? Don't we want a new age?

We are stuck in this flux because our system allows for a small collective of individuals to have 90% of the world's wealth... and these few fortunate  have an incentive to keep it that way. They are the game masters. Money is power. It supersedes law. They have been supressing the truth for too long. The truth that we are much more than just human beings. That we are eternal spirits of tremendous power and capability to create a paradise here on this earth. One allowing for freedom, open expression, beauty, and abundance in all shapes and forms. This is what is natural... this would be real, divine, evolution: a process of beautification.

Go look at a picture of a galaxy and realize that life is a universal constant. We aren't alone. We aren't the only human looking critters in this dust pile. We never were. This truth is being supressed because some of the other critters want to help us, and the critters in charge don't want to lose their power, so they suppress our potential guidance. Introducing extra terrestrial life, in any form, represents introducing a higher intelligence into this jumbled equation. Maybe they are better programers... maybe they can help us fix our broken program? Maybe they can teach us? What do we have to lose? Why fear?

The signs are there and once you "wake up," can you willingly go back to sleep? I don't think so :) C'mon... Time for change already... real change... so we don't have to float through life seeing disgruntled faces who are taught a state of mild disgruntlement is natural. Time to reconnect to mother earth... with our bare feet! Time to learn to forgive ourselves and love ourselves so that we may love one another fully. Let's cooperate and make life easier for ourselves.... after all... isn't that efficiency?


(Written Thursday, May 26, 2011)

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