Monday, July 16, 2012


Not all masons are "badguys." Masons and other secret societies teach enlightenment and spiritual amplification through the (hidden) occult sciences... similar to learning "the force" (to use a starwars analogy). As all other institutions have been corrupted by money, masonry has lost its roots as a "jedi" type organization (founding fathers - pro-enlightenment Renaissance era) and has become obscured by money, wealth, and power. Don't confused Yoda with Darth though both may be considered master masons.

Freemasonry was declared taboo/witchcraft/satantic/etc... by the catholic church back before the blooming of the Renaissance because enlightenment threatened to undermine the control and power of the church. So the masons met in secrecy and used secret handshakes to identify one another. They had to be careful who they talked to and about what. Otherwise they might be labeled heretics and tortured, burned, etc... as the sun-gazing Pagans were.

Currently, many masons surrender to the control system in place seeing as it's easier to use their enlightening minds to benefit themselves than to go against the existing power structure. For once you "wake up" it's hard to work any 9-5 heavy labor job knowing you are being drained like a battery by the system as the film "The Matrix" so lucidly puts it. Many masons migrate into the financial realms where they are able to sit comfortably and speculate to earn money acting as a sort of secondary parasite to the prime old-money banking cartel parasite. It is my belief that this banking cartel super power has co-opted Masonry and draws upon its members bestowing privileges for allegiance. Many masons are also musicians, writers, painters, sculptors, builders, etc... They commonly partake in life paths where the creative mind and imagination are heavily drawn upon for this is the desire of the free-mind.

Much of the "new age" teachings are really just a re-emergence of the hidden spiritual (occult) teachings... and many people, even though they aren't formally part of the masonry organization, still learn about "the force" through the "new age" teachings, which are really the oldest teachings from history, stemming from long ago e.t. teachings. Things like sungazing, meditation, astrology, alternate history, etc... are resonant with masonry: basically personal empowerment through acquisition of knowledge. You'll see many indigenous cultures possess the same knowledge which is why they were so heavily prosecuted (i.e. Native Americans) throughout history by the religious faction of the Roman empire.

Masons were builders/"creators." Freemasonry is just that: free builders/creators... where the analogy of physical creation is used as allegory to the inward mental creative powers of the enlightened mind. The enlightened mind is not the enemy: it is merely a tool.

(Written Saturday, May 5, 2012)

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